A return to wholeness
Inspired by this profound experience and the universe’s persistent calling, Kimberly made courageous life changes. She left her long-time corporate career, and following losing their home to Hurricane Ian, Jason and Kimbery purchased land in Costa Rica to open a wellness center.
Kimberly’s transformation continued as she embraced ancient wellness modalities and embarked on an apprenticeship in Ayahuasca Shamanism within the Shipibo-Konibo lineage (Ayahuasca Shaman Costa Rica). She became a trauma-informed plant medicine guide, sound wellness therapist, and somatic trauma coach. Kimberly continues her deep study of shamanism and yerberismo, and is dedicated to creating safe and supportive wellness containers.
Her participation as a founding member of the Plant Medicine Tribe underscores her commitment to the safe and inclusive use of plant medicine as a means of wellness not only individuals but also the planet itself. Kimberly feels deeply honored to have had the experiences that awakened the profound remembering within her. – Ayahuasca Shaman Costa Rica