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The genesis of Ananda Lodge Costa Rica was a response to significant personal challenges faced by Jason and Kimberly. Their journey toward creating this healing center began when they encountered a pivotal moment in their lives.

In 2022, their family faced the devastating loss of their home to Hurricane Ian, a life-altering event that left them standing at a crossroads. Kimberly, who had spent nearly 17 years in corporate leadership, found herself burnt out and grappling with declining health. The demands of her corporate career had taken a toll on her well-being.

Meanwhile, Jason, with 12 years of experience as a Paramedic/Firefighter, was also at a crossroads. While he deeply valued his role in serving the community, the challenges of his profession had intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in an extreme emotional toll on his overall well-being.

Jason and Kimberly’s journey of self-discovery and transformation ultimately led them to a profound and deeply personal calling: the decision to open a healing center in Costa Rica. In the wake of significant losses and the questioning of the paths that had defined their lives thus far, their family chose to embark on a new chapter together.

Their passion for healing and their innate desire to be of service to others became the driving force behind this decision. This calling, born from their own experiences and soul-purpose, drives their compassion and commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

Ananda Lodge in Costa Rica is the embodiment of their shared vision—a sanctuary for healing, restoration, and personal transformation. It is a place where others can find solace, rejuvenation, and a renewed sense of purpose, just as Jason and Kimberly have on their own journey.



“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Maya Angelou

Kimberly’s journey from a corporate leader to her soul’s purpose of facilitating healing transformations is a profound story of personal growth and resilience. With over 15 years of experience climbing the corporate ladder and driving significant change and transformation initiatives, she had “achieved personal success.” However, she had lost connection with self and soul, finding her soul was deeply sick. Kimberly found herself living and metaphorically dying the untold story of her soul.

Her two-year struggle with intense personal challenges, including physical and mental burnout, led her to a breaking point. For nine months, she battled chronic sickness, anxiety, and depression, seeking solace in numbing her pain. This period of darkness was a turning point in her life.

“I was so tired, so sick, so sad,” recalls Kimberly.

It was during this challenging time that Kimberly embarked on a transformative journey to heal her own wounds and reconnect with her life force vitality. Her path led her to the jungles of Peru, where she found healing and reawakening through the wisdom of the maestros and maestras, and their medicinal practices. The mucus that had plagued her body disappeared, and she began to feel a renewed sense of aliveness and purpose.

“Healing is the return of the memory of wholeness.”
Deepak Chopra

Inspired by this profound experience and the universe’s persistent calling, Kimberly made courageous life changes. She left her long-time corporate career, and following losing their home to Hurricane Ian, Jason and Kimbery purchased land in Costa Rica to open a healing center.

Kimberly’s transformation continued as she embraced ancient healing modalities and embarked on an apprenticeship in ayahuasca shamanism within the Shipibo-Konibo lineage. She became a trauma-informed plant medicine guide, somatic trauma specialist, and sound healing therapist. Her journey was guided by a deep commitment to holistic healing and well-being.

Kimberly continues to study yerberismo, healing with plant medicine, and creating safe and supportive healing containers. Her participation as a founding member of the Plant Medicine Tribe underscores her commitment to the safe and inclusive use of plant medicine as a means of healing not only individuals but also the planet itself. Kimberly feels deeply honored to have had the experiences that awakened the profound remembering within her.

“To endure the tragedies of the human conditions is why we all volunteer to return, and to offer kindness to the brokenhearted who have forgotten that they too are infinite spiritual beings who are not alone. We return to walk the Earth and to offer a multitude of sacred paths that will help every human being to tap into and embrace the Remembering.”
Jamie Sams, Dancing the Dream



Jason’s journey from being a dedicated Firefighter/Paramedic to his current path is a testament to the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on first responders and the quest for a deeper sense of purpose.

Like many first responders, Jason found himself profoundly affected by the challenges and emotional toll of the pandemic. The exhaustion and weariness he experienced were indicative of the struggles faced by those on the front lines.

A pivotal moment occurred during a conversation with Kimberly, two weeks after the loss of their home to Hurricane Ian. In the midst of personal turmoil and upheaval, Kimberly asked Jason a simple but profound question

“What can we do to make you happy?”

His response, “to move to Costa Rica,” was a moment of clarity that revealed the deep internal struggle he had been grappling with as a Firefighter.

This conversation laid bare the emotional and mental burdens that Jason carried every day in his role. It marked the beginning of a transformative journey for both of them, one that led to the creation of Ananda Lodge, a place dedicated to healing, well-being, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Jason’s move to Costa Rica has been a profound return to a place that feels like home. His love for the ocean, nature, and the embodiment of the Pura Vida essence by the people of Costa Rica has deeply resonated with him. This new chapter in his life has ignited a sense of purpose, and he is wholeheartedly dedicated to supporting those in need.

Jason is particularly drawn to providing support for first-responders, veterans, healthcare workers, and others who have dedicated their lives to serving others. He understands the challenges and sacrifices that come with these roles and is committed to making a positive impact on their well-being.

Grateful for this renewed opportunity, Jason is on a mission to reclaim his birthright of joy and happiness. He aspires to be a role model for their children, embodying the values of happiness, resilience, and service. His journey in Costa Rica reflects a deep sense of purpose and a desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

“Be a role model of happiness and joy, which will pull everyone, including yourself, upward.”
Doreen Virtue

Jason and Kimberly’s shared experiences and profound personal growth underscore the resilience and compassion that define their mission to help others find healing and meaning in their own lives.

Our Values


To provide intimately curated healing experiences that regenerate your being and pay respect to sacred medicine traditions.


To create a ripple effect of healing that begins with the reconnection to self and extends outward to all of humanity and the planet.



“May all beings awaken to their true nature.”
Gautama Buddha

At Ananda Lodge, we extend our family’s soul purpose to embrace a profound mission: to spread love, healing, and kindness to all those in need. Our commitment is to share our story, not only as a personal journey but as a source of inspiration and transformation for others and the world at large.
We firmly believe that by sharing our experiences, our healing processes, and our deep connection to the transformative power of love and kindness, we can contribute to positive change in the lives of individuals and communities. Through these actions, we aim to create a ripple effect of compassion, healing, and positive transformation that extends far beyond the boundaries of our retreat center, touching the lives of many and fostering a more harmonious and compassionate world.


“May all beings be free from suffering.”
Gautama Buddha

At Ananda Lodge, we are dedicated to the principle of “Accessible Healing.” We strive to construct a bridge that provides equitable access to ancestral healing modalities, always viewing our work through the lens of fairness and inclusion.

Our mission is to make the profound benefits of ancestral healing accessible to all, regardless of background or circumstance. We recognize the importance of creating a space where everyone feels welcome, valued, and respected in their healing journey.

This compassionate approach extends to war veterans, first responders, healthcare workers, survivors of sexual abuse, and those from traumatic or marginalized backgrounds. We understand the unique challenges and traumas that these individuals may face and are committed to providing them with the support and healing they need.

By promoting accessibility and inclusion in the realm of healing, we hope to break down barriers and ensure that the transformative power of these ancient practices is available to a diverse and inclusive audience. It is our belief that healing should be a universal right, accessible to all who seek it, and we are committed to making that vision a reality.


“May all beings be free from danger.”
Gautama Buddha

Safety is our foremost priority at Ananda Lodge, and we operate with trauma-informed guiding principles that are deeply rooted in ensuring your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Our commitment to safety goes beyond physical security; it extends to creating an environment where you can feel safe to explore, heal, and transform. We recognize that each individual’s journey is unique, and we are dedicated to providing the support and care needed to navigate it with sensitivity and respect.

Our trauma-informed approach is a testament to our commitment to understanding and responding to the unique needs of each guest, especially in the context of past experiences and healing processes. Your well-being is our primary concern, and we take every measure to ensure that your time at Ananda Lodge is a sanctuary of safety and healing.


“May all beings have ease and well being.”
Gautama Buddha

Gratitude is at the heart of our mission at Ananda Lodge. We hold deep appreciation and acknowledgment for the land on which we reside, the sacred medicine practices that guide our work, and the indigenous wisdom keepers who have generously shared their knowledge and traditions with us.

We understand that our ability to facilitate healing and transformation is rooted in the wisdom and practices that have been passed down through generations. We recognize the profound importance of honoring and preserving these traditions, showing gratitude for the land that sustains us, and respecting the indigenous cultures that have paved the way for our work.

It is with the utmost reverence and gratitude that we approach our mission, with a commitment to upholding the integrity of these sacred practices and giving back to the communities and cultures from which they originate. Our work is a testament to the deep appreciation we hold for the foundations upon which it is built.


“Peace comes from within”
Gautama Buddha

At Ananda Lodge, we embrace the concept of regenerative leadership. We are committed to creating healing containers that not only regenerate the personal well-being of our guests but also extend to encompass regenerative land and leadership principles.

Our approach is holistic, recognizing that true healing extends beyond the individual to include the environment and the broader community. Through this interconnected approach, we aim to inspire and empower individuals to become leaders in their own right—leaders who are not only focused on personal growth but also on the well-being of the planet and the communities they serve. By embodying regenerative principles, we strive to contribute to a more harmonious and sustainable world, one healing journey at a time.


“Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression.”
Gautama Buddha

“Giving back” is an integral part of our ethos at Ananda Lodge. We hold a deep commitment to reciprocity, not only to our guests but also to the local Costa Rican community, the indigenous wisdom keepers who have shared their traditions with us, and the land that sustains us.

Our belief is that healing and well-being should extend beyond our retreat center. We actively engage in initiatives that support the local community and the indigenous cultures we collaborate with. This may include education, sustainable practices, or economic support to ensure that our presence brings positive change and benefits to all.

Furthermore, we strive to be conscientious stewards of the land. We are dedicated to regenerative land practices that not only minimize our environmental impact but also actively contribute to the health and vitality of the ecosystems in which we reside.

Through these efforts, we aim to create a circle of reciprocity, where the benefits of our work return to those who have contributed to our journey. Our commitment to giving back is an essential part of our mission to promote healing, well-being, and sustainability in all aspects of our work and beyond.


“Happiness is the path.”
Gautama Buddha

“Pura Vida” is not just a saying in Costa Rica; it’s a way of life. At Ananda Lodge, we wholeheartedly embrace the essence of the Costa Rican lifestyle, embodying the spirit of “Pura Vida.”

For us, “Pura Vida” means spreading happiness, optimism, and the belief that life is meant to be lived to its fullest. It’s about cherishing the simple joys, finding beauty in the everyday, and nurturing a deep connection with nature and community.

As you embark on your healing journey with us, you’ll experience the warmth and hospitality that define the Costa Rican way of living. We invite you to embrace “Pura Vida” as not just a phrase, but a philosophy that infuses your time at Ananda Lodge with positivity, gratitude, and a celebration of life in all its richness.